Parsing and Tokenizing

Published Thursday, July 10 2014

I’m fairly happy with my parsing and tokenizing code now. I wanted to give a little breakdown of how it works.

The over-all goal here is to take a command from the user in the form:


where C is a command such as “E” for Examine, “D” for Deposit, etc., and store it in memory, tokenized and converted from ASCII to binary.

I wanted to give the user flexibility. For example, numbers do not need to be zero-padded on entry. You should be able to type E 1F and have the monitor know you mean E 001F, or D 2FF 1A and know that you mean D 02FF 1A.

I wanted whitespace between tokens to be ignored. Typing "E 1FF" should be the same as typing "E_______1FF___" (please mentally replace the underscores with whitespace!)

And finally, I wanted to support multiple forms of commands with the same tokenizing code. The Examine command can take either one or two 16-bit addresses as arguments—for example, E 100 1FF should dump all memory contents from 0100 to 01FF. But the Deposit command takes one 16-bit address and between one and sixteen 8-bit values, for example D 1234 1A 2B 3C to deposit three bytes starting at address 1234.

So I decided I’d reserve 20 bytes of memory in page 0 to hold the tokenized, converted data.

Each implemented command then knows how to use this parsed data to fulfill its operation.

[An aside: Using page zero for this is controversial in my mind—21 bytes is a lot of space to use, and page zero is precious, so I will move it to page 2 at a later date. But it will work the same, just a change in addressing mode from Zero Page,X to Absolute,X would be required.]

How It’s Implemented

The implementation is fairly straightforward. Here’s a very rough flowchart with some details elided:


In general, the idea is to start at the beginning of IBUF, the input buffer, and scan until the start of a token is found. This location is then stored in TKST. Next, we continue scanning until the end of the token is found. The end is stored in TKND. Once it is, we walk the token backward, one character at a time, converting it from a hexadecimal ASCII representation into a number. Once we’ve reached the start of the token (or we’ve done 4 characters, whichever comes first), we know we’re done with the token. We jump back to TKND and start the process over again.

We do this until either:

whichever comes first. At that point, we fall through and start executing whatever command has been decoded.

The code is below.

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Parse the input buffer (IBUF) by tokenizing it into a command and
;;; a series of operands.
;;; When the code reaches this point, Y will hold the length of the
;;; input buffer.
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

PARSE:  TYA                     ; Save Y to IBLEN.
        STA     IBLEN
        BEQ     EVLOOP          ; No command? Short circuit.

        ;; Clear operand storage
        LDY     #$10
        LDA     #$00
@loop:  STA     OPBASE,Y        ; Clear operands.
        BPL     @loop

        ;; Reset parsing state
        LDX     #$FF            ; Reset Token Pointer
        LDA     #$00
        STA     TKCNT           ; Number of tokens we've parsed
        STA     CMD             ; Clear command register.
        TAY                     ; Reset IBUF pointer.

        ;; Tokenize the command and operands

        ;; First character is the command.
        LDA     IBUF,Y
        STA     CMD

        ;; Now start looking for the next token. Read from
        ;; IBUF until the character is not whitespace.
        CPY     IBLEN           ; Is Y now pointing outside the buffer?
        BCS     EXEC            ; Yes, nothing else to parse

        LDA     IBUF,Y
        CMP     #' '
        BEQ     SKIPSP          ; The character is a space, skip.

        ;; Here, we've found a non-space character. We can
        ;; walk IBUF until we find the first non-digit (hex),
        ;; at which point we'll be at the end of an operand

        STY     TKST            ; Hold Y value for comparison

        CPY     IBLEN           ; >= IBLEN?
        BCS     TKSVPTR
        LDA     IBUF,Y
        CMP     #'0'            ; < '0'?
        BCC     TKSVPTR         ; It's not a digit, we're done.
        CMP     #'9'+1          ; < '9'?
        BCC     TKNEND          ; Yup, it's a digit. Keep going.
        CMP     #'A'            ; < 'A'
        BCC     TKSVPTR         ; It's not a digit, we're done.
        CMP     #'Z'+1          ; < 'Z'?
        BCC     TKNEND          ; Yup, it's a digit. Keep going.
        ;; Fall through.

        ;; Y is currently pointing at the end of a token, so we'll
        ;; remember this location.
        STY     TKND

        ;; Now we're going to parse the operand and turn it into
        ;; a number.
        ;; This routine will walk the operand backward, from the least
        ;; significant to the most significant digit, placing the
        ;; value in OPBASE,X and OPBASE,X+1 as it "fills up" the value

        LDA     #$02
        STA     OPBYT

        ;; Token 2 Binary
        ;; low nybble
        DEY                     ; Move the digit pointer back 1.
        CPY     TKST            ; Is pointer < TKST?
        BCC     TKDONE          ; Yes, we're done.

        LDA     IBUF,Y          ; Grab the digit being pointed at.
        JSR     H2BIN           ; Convert it to an int.
        STA     OPBASE,X        ; Store it in OPBASE + X

        ;; high nybble
        DEY                     ; Move the digit pointer back 1.
        CPY     TKST            ; Is pointer < TKST?
        BCC     TKDONE          ; Yes, we're done.

        LDA     IBUF,Y          ; Grab the digit being pointed at.
        JSR     H2BIN           ; Convert it to an int.
        ASL                     ; Shift it left 4 bits.
        ORA     OPBASE,X        ; OR it with the value from the
        STA     OPBASE,X        ;   last digit, and re-store it.

        ;; Next byte - only if we're parsing the first two
        ;; operands, which are treated as 16-bit values.
        ;; (Operands 2 through F are treated as 8-bit values)

        LDA     TKCNT           ; If TKCNT is > 1, we can skip
        CMP     #$02            ;   the low byte
        BCS     TKDONE

        DEC     OPBYT           ; Have we done 2 bytes?
        BEQ     TKDONE          ; Yes, we're done with this token.
        BNE     TK2BIN          ; If not, do next byte

        ;; We've finished converting a token.

TKDONE: INC     TKCNT           ; Increment the count of tokens parsed

        CMP     #$0F            ; Have we hit our maximum # of
                                ;    operands? (16 max)
        BCS     EXEC            ; Yes, we're absolutely done, no more.

        LDA     TKND            ; No, keep going. Restore Y to end of
        TAY                     ;   token position
        CPY     IBLEN           ; Is there more in the buffer?
        BCC     SKIPSP          ; Yes, try to find another token.

        ;; No, the buffer is now empty. Fall through to EXEC
