Emacs Blogging for Fun and Profit

Published Thursday, July 12 2018

Note: This blog post is no longer accurate, a lot has changed since it was published. It is left here for historical reasons.

You may notice something quite different about this blog if you’ve been here before. The look and feel is different, yes, but it’s more than just skin deep.

For the last nine years, I’ve kept my blog in WordPress, a very capable blogging platform. But, starting today, I’ve switched my entire website to a technology from the 1970s: Emacs, the venerable text editor.

Am I crazy? No, I just think it suits my workflow better.


I’ve been an Emacs user for many years. Emacs is more than just a text editor: It’s a swiss army knife, an extensible tool made of other tools. One of those tools is Org Mode, a mode that lets you organize thoughts, write outlines, keep notes, do budgets, keep agendas and timelines, write documentation, and much more.

Org Mode is so powerful that many people who have come to Emacs in recent years have done so specifically because they wanted to use Org Mode. The on-line manual and user-written docs are comprehensive and give a full sense of Org Mode’s capabilities.

One thing that Org Mode is especially good at is writing documentation. Once a document has been captured in Org Mode, complete with markup and links, it can be exported to an HTML document (or a LaTeX document, or a PDF, or…)


Each page on this site, including all the blog entries, is in its own file. They’re all published together with a single setup and a single command, using the org-publish feature of Org Mode.

Configuration wasn’t too difficult. Basically, the whole config is in one elisp file that I load into my master init.el file. I keep the entire site checked out into a working directory, ~/Projects/loomcom.

I’ll go through my config bit by bit, but first, I must acknowledge Dennis Ogbe’s website (https://ogbe.net/), and his blog post “Blogging using org-mode (and nothing else)”, for being the inspiration for my setup.

Emacs Config

The first thing I do is define a symbol, loomcom/project-dir, that I’ll use elsewhere. This is the parent folder, where my website is checked out from Git

(setq loomcom/project-dir "~/Projects/loomcom/")

Then I set up org-publish to use a local directory for caching, so it doesn’t pollute my home directory. I conveniently put this directory into my .gitignore file.

(setq org-publish-timestamp-directory (concat loomcom/project-dir "cache/"))

Next, I set another symbol, loomcom/extra-head. I’ll use this below to set an extra bit of HTML set in each page’s <head>...</head> element. This bit just says that it should load CSS from the /res/style.css resource.

(setq loomcom/extra-head
      "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/res/style.css\">")

Then I define two more symbols, loomcom/header-file and loomcom/footer, that inject two blocks of HTML: The first is a static snippet file that gets injected before the content, and the second is in the form of a string that gets injected after the content.

(setq loomcom/header-file
      (concat loomcom/project-dir "pages/header.html"))

(setq loomcom/footer
       "<div id=\"footer\">\n"
       "<p>Seth Morabito</p>\n"
       "<p>Proudly published with "
       "<a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/\">Emacs</a> and "
       "<a href=\"https://orgmode.org/\">Org Mode</a>"

Then I turn on the HTML5 fancy variable, so that Org Mode will use new HTML5 features.

(setq org-html-html5-fancy t)

Now we get into the good stuff.

On my blog, I don’t want to render every full post all on one page. Instead, I’d like to include just a preview, and offer readers the ability to click on a “Read More…” link if they wish to link to the full post and read the rest. To do this, I define a function, loomcom/get-preview, that returns just the part of each blog document that should be shown on the main blog page.

Org Mode has no built-in facility for this, so I had to roll my own. Since there’s no built-in syntax, I use a special (but meaningless) org-mode block in any blog post that I want to use just a snippet of on the front page, using the syntax:

The function below opens the file, looks for this marker, and returns only the blog text between the header and the the marker. If there’s no marker, it will return the whole post.

It also returns a little bit of metadata: A boolean indicating whether the “Read More…” link should be rendered or not.

(defun loomcom/get-preview (filename)
  "Returns a list: '(<needs-more> <preview-string>) where
<needs-more> is t or nil, indicating whether a \"Read More...\"
link is needed."
    (insert-file-contents (concat loomcom/project-dir "blog/" filename))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (let ((content-start (or
                          ;; Look for the first non-keyword line
                          (and (re-search-forward "^[^#]" nil t)
                               (match-beginning 0))
                          ;; Failing that, assume we're malformed and
                          ;; have no content
          (marker (or
                   (and (re-search-forward "^#\\+BEGIN_more$" nil t)
                        (match-beginning 0))
      ;; Return a pair of '(needs-more preview-string)
      (list (not (= marker (buffer-size)))
            (buffer-substring content-start marker)))))

Next is the function that actually generates the main blog page. Org Mode’s publish functionality refers to this as a “Site Map”, but for the purposes of my site, it’s a blog page.

By default, Org Mode will publish the entries as a bulleted list. We don’t want that, so we override the default publishing function. All it does is put a title on the page and return each entry separated by \n\n.

(defun loomcom/sitemap (title list)
  "Generate the sitemap (Blog Main Page)"
  (concat "#+TITLE: " title "\n" "--------\n"
          (string-join (mapcar #'car (cdr list)) "\n\n")))

Then, I define a function that generates each entry for the sitemap / blog page.

This function takes a file name, passes it to (loomcom/get-preview) to get the preview text, adds a “Read More…” link if needed, and returns the Org Mode markup for the entry.

(defun loomcom/sitemap-entry (entry style project)
  "Sitemap (Blog Main Page) Entry Formatter"
  (when (not (directory-name-p entry))
    (format (string-join
             '("* [[file:%s][%s]]\n"
            (org-publish-find-title entry project)
            (format-time-string "%A, %B %_d %Y at %l:%M %p %Z" (org-publish-find-date entry project))
            (let* ((preview (loomcom/get-preview entry))
                   (needs-more (car preview))
                   (preview-text (cadr preview)))
              (if needs-more
                    "[[file:%s][Read More...]]\n"
                    preview-text entry)
                   (format "%s" preview-text))))))

Next I define a function to be used by org-publish to load the HTML header file snippet. This function just opens the header file in a temp buffer and returns the contents.

(defun loomcom/header (arg)
    (insert-file-contents loomcom/header-file)

Finally, the meat of the matter. I set up the org-publish project with the org-publish-project-alist variable.

It defines four components:

(setq org-publish-project-alist
         :components ("blog" "pages" "res" "images"))
         :base-directory ,(concat loomcom/project-dir "blog/")
         :base-extension "org"
         :publishing-directory ,(concat loomcom/project-dir "www/blog/")
         :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
         :with-author t
         :with-creator nil
         :with-date t
         :section-numbers nil
         :with-title t
         :with-toc nil
         :with-drawers t
         :with-sub-superscript nil
         :html-doctype "html5"
         :html-link-home "/"
         :html-head nil
         :html-head-extra ,loomcom/extra-head
         :html-head-include-default-style nil
         :html-head-include-scripts nil
         :html-viewport nil
         :html-link-up ""
         :html-link-home ""
         :html-preamble loomcom/header
         :html-postamble ,loomcom/footer
         :auto-sitemap t
         :sitemap-function loomcom/sitemap
         :sitemap-format-entry loomcom/sitemap-entry
         :sitemap-filename "index.org"
         :sitemap-title "A Weblog"
         :sitemap-sort-files anti-chronologically)
         :base-directory ,(concat loomcom/project-dir "pages/")
         :base-extension "org"
         :publishing-directory ,(concat loomcom/project-dir "www/")
         :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
         :section-numbers nil
         :recursive t
         :with-title t
         :with-toc nil
         :with-drawers t
         :with-sub-superscript nil
         :html-link-home "/"
         :html-head nil
         :html-doctype "html5"
         :html-head-extra ,loomcom/extra-head
         :html-head-include-default-style nil
         :html-head-include-scripts nil
         :html-link-up ""
         :html-link-home ""
         :html-preamble loomcom/header
         :html-postamble ,loomcom/footer
         :html-viewport nil)
         :base-directory ,(concat loomcom/project-dir "res/")
         :base-extension ".*"
         :publishing-directory ,(concat loomcom/project-dir "www/res/")
         :publishing-function org-publish-attachment)
         :base-directory ,(concat loomcom/project-dir "images/")
         :base-extension ".*"
         :publishing-directory ,(concat loomcom/project-dir "www/images/")
         :publishing-function org-publish-attachment)))

Whew. That’s all there is to it.
