3B2 CM Codes

Note: This information comes directly from Stephen J. Friedl, and is a mirror of a page at his website, unixwiz.net.

Each 3B2 board (I/O, backplane, motherboard, etc) has a “CM” code on it that reveals its identity, and we’ve collected many of these codes over the years. Additions welcome.

When taking an inventory of your cards, also note the “AM” number found near the CM code. This is “ArtMaster”, and it’s a board revision: generally higher AM numbers are newer and better.

BoardcodeType of card
CM190A3B2/300 system board
CM191A1/4 MB RAM card (/300)
CM191B1 MB RAM card (/300 /310 /400)
CM191C1 MB RAM card (/300 /310 /400)
CM191D2 MB RAM card, 1/2 height (/300 /310 /400)
CM192B2 MB RAM card (/400)
CM193A3B2/300 backplane
CM193B3B2/300 and /310 backplane
CM194B3B2/400 backplane
CM195ANI (10Mb Ethernet)
CM195AAAIC card (Alarm Interface Circuit)
CM195ACDatakit Board
CM195ADDatakit Board
CM195AEGen. Purpose Synchronous Controller
CM195AYEPORTS (8 serial)
CM195BPORTS (4 serial + 1 parallel)
CM195BAHPP PORTS (4 serial + 1 parallel)
CM195HCTC (23MB Cartridge Tape Controller)
CM195KXDC (Expansion Disk Controller)
CM195TISC (Intelligent Serial Controller)
CM195WSCSI controller
CM195YEPORTS card (8 serial)
CM518A3B2/500+/600 system board (WE32100 @ 18 MHz)
CM518B3B2/622 system board (WE32200 @ 22 MHz)
CM518C3B2/1000 M80 system board (WE32200 @ 24 MHz w/ 2 MMUs)
CM519A3B2/600 backplane
CM519B3B2/1000 M80 backplane
CM520A3B2/500 backplane
CM521Adifferential SCSI controller (ver 3 hardware only)
CM522AVCACHE card - only used with CM518A and CM518B
CM523A4 MB RAM card (3B2/600, /600) – 256 kbit chips
CM523AA4 MB RAM card (3B2/500, /600) – 1 Mbit chips
CM523B2 MB ECC RAM card (V3)
CM524APE card (multiprocessor) - goes in PBus slot
CM527AMPB card (multiprocessor) - goes in BUB slot